Christian Science in Calgary
First Church of Christ, Scientist - Calgary
2603 - 19 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2M 3V5
T: 403.266.3787
Sunday Service
10:00 to 11:00 am at the Church
If you would like to attend in Zoom, please email Joan at and an email invitation will be sent to you.
Sunday sermons include readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. Each Sunday you'll also enjoy live music including a vocal solo, a prelude, three hymns, music during the offertory, and a postlude, primarily played on the organ; occasionally on the piano or other instruments. The words and music are selected to support the spiritual meaning of the sermon. All are warmly welcomed to our services.
Here is the order of our Sunday church service.
Sunday School
Sunday School for children and teenagers up to the age of twenty is held at 10:00 am and lasts one hour. Children too young for Sunday School are lovingly cared for in our Children's Room.
An open invitation
By John Biggs, from the teen series: My Church
" ... as I was praying about this question of whether I should keep going to church, I wanted to be sure I was honestly listening—not just pouring out my heart and then doing whatever I wanted.."
Read on ...
Wednesday Testimony Meetings
Each Wednesday at 7:30 pm, our church holds an informal testimony meeting where those in the congregation tell of the healing power of prayer in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us!
Wednesday at 7:30 pm
If you would like to attend in Zoom, please email Joan at and an email invitation will be sent to you.
Here is the order of our Wednesday testimony meeting
Reading Room
Our downtown Reading Room is located at #101, 1118 - 12 Ave SW
Click here for details