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The Ministry of Christian Science Nursing

Christian Science nursing is available for individuals relying on Christian Science for healing. It provides skillful, practical assistance and care to the one in need. The guidance for a Christian Science nurse can be found in the Manual of The Mother Church (Article VIII; Section 31). The founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, established the authority and standard for the Christian Science nurse in 1908, in the Manual of The Mother Church (Page 49, Article Vlll; Section 31):

Christian Science Nurse. SECT 31. A member of The Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick.

The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers. Christian Science nurses may work independently in individual's homes, or for independently run, Christian Science Facilities throughout the world.

Individuals advertising in The Christian Science Journal and The Herald of Christian Science have presented satisfactory evidence that they fulfill the requirements in this By-Law.

Journal Listed Christian Science Nurses

See directory of Journal Listed Christian Science nurses or those who may be available to work in homes.

More information on Christian Science Nursing and scope of services

Christian Science Nurses

More information about Christian Science Nursing in Canada

Chris Weiland - Calgary: 403-616-5808

How to become a Christian Science Nurse

Christian Science nursing facilities and houses offer a wide range of educational programs and learning styles. Many offer classes onsite in conjunction with side-by-side mentoring. Offerings may include:

Some Journal-listed Christian Science nurses may be available as independent mentors, sharing the ethics, skills, and application of Christian Science nursing principles one-on-one. There is no comprehensive registry of such mentors, but qualified Christian Science nurses may be located geographically by consulting The Christian Science Journal Directory.

Interested parties should contact Christian Science nurses and Christian Science nursing organizations directly for information about their particular programs. The Mother Church does not train Christian Science nurses and the Christian Science nursing facilities and houses that offer training are not directly affiliated with The Mother Church.

View a list of Christian Science nurse’s training programs

Watch a short video About Christian Science Nursing.

Sharon House

Sharon House Corporation, a registered charitable organization, was founded in 1968 by Christian Scientists dedicated to establishing a haven for healing for those relying solely on Christian Science treatment and prayer.

Web site:

Wayside House

Wayside House Victoria, BC is a Christian Science Nursing facility that provides short term care to individuals, long term stay opportunities for Christian Science care and Christian Science Nurses training.

Web site:


Wayside House has an immediate need for a full-time
Journal-Listed Christian Science nurse

The Christian Science nurse we seek expresses warmth, compassion and flexibility. For information on this position and benefits, please contact Caroline Holm at

Wayside House, the only fully accreditied Christian Science Nursing Facility in Canada, also provides LeVerger Christian Science Nurse training. Located in beautiful Victoria, BC on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, known for its mild climate and garden-like setting, Wayside House, just minutes from the ocean, is truly a haven for healing.


Ask God to give thee skill In comfort’s art:
That thou may’st consecrated be
And set apart
Unto a life of sympathy.
For heavy is the weight of ill
In every heart;
And comforters are needed much
Of Christ like touch.

Mary Baker Eddy, Retrospection and Introspection, p 94