Christian Science Events
A new view of God and its effect on well-being
When most people think about life-changing moments, they may not think of a lecture on Christian Science. That wasn’t why I attended a lecture for the first time; I didn't expect to walk out a new person. But I found something in that lecture that was indeed life-transforming. Christian Science gave me a new view of God that I'd not had before: a view of God as Love itself, divine Love that loved me fully. I also discovered that this loving God was not the source of my troubles (which were many) but the solution to them. My life began to improve quickly after that and I became a healthy man after many years of suffering.
How Spiritual Perception Brings Healing
Alexandre Fischer, CS
Upcoming Christian Science Lectures (Webinars)
Please check this link often as there are so many upcoming webinar lectures. The Mother Church has listed them on their web site.
Weekly Events at The Mother Church
Bible Lessons, online discussions, and more.
Breaking news: Freedom is ours now
Patricia Woodard, CS
A fresh perspective about God and God’s creation brings FREEDOM from being swept up in the uncertainty of unchartered waters. Jesus calmed the troubled water and so can we. Woodard is a Christian Science Practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. The talk was sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Laguna Beach, CA.
Webinar Finding Your Immunity from Disease
The prayer that reduces fear brings out one's natural immunity to disease and heals the symptoms of disease. An interactive Web Lecture with guest speaker Michelle Nanouche, CSB, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher from Paris, France.
Other events
Online Audio Chats
Responding to questions from an online audience, the guest — a Christian Science healer — provides uplifting thoughts and examples.
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Lectures online and near you
What are these talks about?
Public talks on Christian Science cover a variety of personal, health, community, and global topics and show how the teachings of Christian Science bring healing and regeneration to both individuals and communities.
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Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10