Divine Love is there for you 24/7
The more we understand what God is, says Keith, the more we are able to express love to others and feel loved ourselves whether or not we're in a romantic relationship with another person. Keith also shares his six simple ideas for filling an empty heart and discusses how love brings healing.
The Mother love that heals
Not only is Love the source of all creation, but it is also the mothering force that is the Life that rules the universe, graciously sustaining and tenderly cherishing all Her own, forever. Our Father-Mother, divine Love, ensures health, harmony, fruition, and eternal life for all.
Love and Marriage ... journeying to the heart of who we are
What I have learned is that the source of this oneness is in God, and that when we base our relationships on this fundamental, spiritual relation we have with Him, we not only discover that we are complete individuals, but we feel progressively connected to everyone around us, and to the world at large.
Divine Love is there for you 24/7
The more we understand what God is, says Keith, the more we are able to express love to others and feel loved ourselves whether or not we're in a romantic relationship with another person. Keith also shares his six simple ideas for filling an empty heart and discusses how love brings healing.
The Mother love that heals
Not only is Love the source of all creation, but it is also the mothering force that is the Life that rules the universe, graciously sustaining and tenderly cherishing all Her own, forever. Our Father-Mother, divine Love, ensures health, harmony, fruition, and eternal life for all.
Love and Marriage ... journeying to the heart of who we are
What I have learned is that the source of this oneness is in God, and that when we base our relationships on this fundamental, spiritual relation we have with Him, we not only discover that we are complete individuals, but we feel progressively connected to everyone around us, and to the world at large.
Welcome to the Christian Science Website for Alberta
where you will find spiritual resources and information
to encourage and support your spiritual growth and exploration.
In-person and Online Church Services
HYMNS - to help you enjoy the online services
SOLOS - view the solos for the Sunday services in January
Online services from the Mother Church are available by clicking here
Change to Calgary Church location
Our NW Calgary church is undergoing renovations.
Our Wednesday and Sunday services are being held in our downtown Reading Room located at:
#101, 1118 - 12 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0P4
Wednesdays: 7:30 to 8:30 pm
Sundays: 10:00 to 11:00 am
Free street parking Sundays and weekday evenings
Quieting destructive winds and catastrophic wildfires
I'm convinced that the truth of God's omnipotent law, the law of Love, can be effectively applied to alleviate suffering from wildfires and other environmental issues — even reverse climate change — as surely as it can alleviate pain and inflammation in the body.
Cindy Martin, The Christian Science Journal, January 2020
God's government over the big and small
While material conditions may seem ripe for further destruction, we can assert that God is, in fact, governing. And where great comfort is needed for families and responders, we can know that God, divine Love, now surrounds and supports them, holding them securely in His love.
Courtlyn Reekstin, The Christian Science Journal, April 2023
Free online lecture - A new view of God and its effect on well-being
When most people think about life-changing moments, they may not think of a lecture on Christian Science. That wasn't why I attended a lecture for the first time; I didn't expect to walk out a new person. But I found something in that lecture that was indeed life-transforming. Christian Science gave me a new view of God that I'd not had before: a view of God as Love itself, divine Love that loved me fully. I also discovered that this loving God was not the source of my troubles (which were many) but the solution to them. My life began to improve quickly after that and I became a healthy man after many years of suffering.
We are a Christian Church located in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, and worldwide branches of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. All individuals are welcome to explore our online resources and participate in our church, Sunday school and Bible study activities; anyone can find God to be "a very present help in trouble". (Ps. 46:1)
All are warmly welcomed to our bi-weekly church services. Sunday sermons include readings from the Bible and ...
Sunday School
Children of all ages are welcomed in our Sunday Schools, where they discover how spirituality is relevant to their lives and ...
Reading Room
Reading Rooms are community resource centers that function as both bookstores and drop-in centers. Here you may ask questions about Christian Science and explore spiritual healing, prayer, and spirituality. We sell Bibles, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, music and other products (in various languages) from The Christian Science Publishing Society.
What is Christian Science?
Christian Science is more than theory — it's a practice that can deepen your relationship with God and change life for the better. In Christian Science, God is understood to be infinite Love, and so invariably good that a clear glimpse of this through prayer has power to heal, redeem, and restore anyone.
Learn more — What is Christian Science?
Can Christianity be scientific?
Science is all about understanding and demonstration. Christianity is of the heart. Can these two views be in harmony with each other? We invite you to read a few articles that show how naturally Christianity and Science go together and the blessings that this connection can bring.
Is Christian Science the same as Scientology? The similarities in name can cause some confusion, but the two are, in fact, entirely different religions with very little in common and are not connected in any way. Learn more
The Bible
Science and Health
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) was a lifelong student of the Bible. It became clear to her that spiritual healing was based on divine laws of God, Spirit, and that these laws could be applied by anyone to heal human suffering and sin. Her primary work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, contains the full explanation of Christian Science and its biblical foundation of spiritual healing. Mary Baker Eddy went on to establish the Church of Christ, Scientist, as a Christian denomination and worldwide movement of spiritual healers.
Christian Science Practitioners
Christian Science practitioners pray for healing for those who call upon them for help. These experienced men and women are available to help anyone anytime, anywhere. They are also happy, simply to answer questions about the practical blessings that come through the study of Christian Science.
For He shall give His angels charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways.
Psalm 91: 11